G2734 | κατοπτρίζω | |||||
原文音譯:kat optriz'omai 對等譯字:DOWN VIEWize 文法分類:動詞 出現次數:1 出現經節:林後 3:18 和合本譯字及次數 好像從鏡子裏返照 字義及字源追溯 [(2596*=下)+(3700*=看見,顯現)] to mirror* oneself, to see reflected [(2596=down*)+(3700=to gaze*)]"2072=a mirror" | katoptrizomai kat-op-trid'-zom-ahee middle voice from a compound of 2596 and a derivative of 3700 [cf 2072]; TDNT - 2:696,264; v AV - behold as a glass 1; 1 1) to show in a mirror, to make to reflect, to mirror 2) to look at one's self in a mirror 3) to behold one's self in a mirror |